Bethany Gaskin Profile Picture

April 2, 1975

Lifepath 1
☀️ Day Energy 2
🌸 Month Energy4
🕰️ Year Energy 22
Day of Year
92 = 11
🇨🇳 Year of the Rabbit 🐇
🪐 Aries

Bethany Gaskin: The Charismatic Food Enthusiast


Bethany Gaskin, a self-proclaimed food lover, embarked on her culinary journey with the creation of her YouTube channel, Bloveslife, in January 2017. With over 3.1 million subscribers, her channel has become a smorgasbord of food challenges, vlogs, recipes, and her signature messy eating style, characterized by the smacking and slurping sounds she makes while indulging in various dishes.

Born without professional chef training, Bethany's passion for food was evident from her first video, "1. SOUTHERN CABBAGE WITH SMOKED TURKEY." Her enthusiasm and genuine love for food have resonated with audiences worldwide, leading to the popularity of videos like "Seafood boil 5 Smacking Noices/Messy Eating/King Crab/Lobster/Shrimp."

In addition to her digital presence, Bethany has expanded her brand by creating her own sauce, aptly named 'Smackalicious Sauce,' which is available for purchase on Amazon. Her husband and sons, Dalvin and Darius, often join her in food challenge videos, reflecting her family's shared love for culinary adventures.

Bethany's social media presence extends beyond YouTube; she has been spotted with influencers like Jamila Davis and Yandy Smith on Instagram, further solidifying her status as a prominent figure in the digital food scene.


Life Path Number: The Leader - 1

As a 1 Life Path, Bethany embodies the energy of the Leader:

  • Male Energy: She exudes confidence and assertiveness, traits evident in her bold approach to food challenges.
  • Number of New Beginnings: Bethany's career transition from an ordinary food enthusiast to a successful YouTuber reflects this attribute.
  • Will Power and Competitiveness: Her determination to create engaging content and compete with other food channels is apparent in her videos.
  • Naturally More Muscular and Athletic Build: While not physically athletic, Bethany's endurance and stamina are evident in her ability to consume large quantities of food during challenges.

However, Bethany must be mindful of the potential challenges associated with the 1 Life Path:

  • Aggression and Argumentative Nature: She should strive to balance her assertiveness with diplomacy to maintain her audience's goodwill.
  • Alcoholism Tendency: As a 1 Life Path, Bethany should be cautious with alcohol consumption.

Day Energy: The Diplomat - 2

With 2 Day Energy, Bethany's life is characterized by:

  • Feminine Energy: This energy complements her natural charm and grace, making her videos more engaging.
  • Introvert: Her willingness to open up about her personal life in vlogs showcases her ability to connect with audiences on a deeper level.
  • Sensitive, Delicate, Reliable: Bethany's considerate nature is evident in her interactions with her family and followers.
  • Dual Personality: Her ability to see two sides of an argument may contribute to her well-rounded content.

Bethany's 2 Day Energy balances out her 1 Life Path by providing a softer, more empathetic side that appeals to her audience.


Chinese Zodiac: Wood Rabbit

Born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Wood Rabbit, Bethany possesses the following traits:

  • Gentle and Compassionate: These qualities are evident in her interactions with her family and followers.
  • Loyal and Reliable: Her commitment to her channel and audience reflects these attributes.

Western Zodiac: Aries

As an Aries, Bethany exhibits:

  • Passion and Enthusiasm: Her love for food and life is contagious, drawing viewers to her content.
  • Confidence and Assertiveness: These traits are evident in her bold approach to food challenges.


Bethany Gaskin's unique blend of leadership (Life Path 1) and diplomacy (Day Energy 2), coupled with her astrological influences, has shaped her into a charismatic and engaging food enthusiast. Her passion for food and life, along with her ability to connect with audiences on a personal level, have led to her remarkable success in the digital culinary world. As Bethany continues to grow and evolve, understanding and embracing these energies will help her maintain her success while also fostering personal growth.