Noah Kahan Profile Picture

January 1, 1997

Lifepath 1
☀️ Day Energy 1
🌸 Month Energy1
🕰️ Year Energy 8
Day of Year
🇨🇳 Year of the Rat 🐀
🪐 Capricorn

Noah Kahan: The Tenacious Troubadour


Noah Kahan, hailing from the picturesque countryside of rural Vermont, is a folk-pop singer-songwriter who has carved out a unique niche in the music industry with his introspective lyrics and soulful melodies. Born into a family that owned a 133-acre tree farm, Noah's upbringing instilled in him a deep appreciation for nature and its influences on his creative process.

Noah's musical journey began at the tender age of eight when he started penning songs and sharing them on SoundCloud. His debut single, "Young Blood," marked the beginning of his professional career, followed by a five-song EP titled "Hurt Somebody" in January 2018. In 2021, Noah released his full-length album, 'I Was / I Am,' further solidifying his status as a rising star in the folk-pop genre.

Noah's music has resonated with audiences worldwide, with the audio for "Hurt Somebody" amassing over 8 million views on YouTube. He has performed at prestigious events such as the Sound On Sound festival and even deferred his admission to Tulane University to focus on his burgeoning music career. An updated version of his hit single "Hurt Somebody" features renowned artist Julia Michaels, a testament to Noah's growing influence in the industry.


Life Path Number: The Leader - 1

As a 1 Life Path, Noah embodies the energy of The Leader:

  • Male Energy: Noah exudes confidence and assertiveness, both in his music and personal life.
  • Number of New Beginnings: His journey reflects this attribute, having started young and continually evolving as an artist.
  • Will Power and Aggressive Nature: These traits have driven Noah to pursue his dreams relentlessly, despite challenges.
  • Competitive Spirit: Noah's desire to win is evident in his continuous strive for perfection in his craft.
  • One-Track Mind and Mid-Range Intelligence: His dedication to music allows him to focus intently on his goals while also maintaining a practical approach.

However, Noah must be mindful of the potential drawbacks associated with this number:

  • Alcoholism Tendency: As a 1 Life Path, Noah should be cautious with alcohol consumption.
  • Aggression and Argumentative Nature: He may need to learn when to assert his dominance and when to step back in both personal and professional relationships.

Day Energy: The Leader - 1

With 1 Day Energy, Noah's daily life is characterized by:

  • Male Energy and New Beginnings: This energy reinforces Noah's natural leadership qualities and encourages him to start new projects regularly.
  • Will Power and Aggression: Combined with his Life Path, this attribute strengthens Noah's resolve and drive to succeed in the music industry.
  • Competitive Nature: His Day Energy fuels his desire to excel and outshine others in his field.

Noah's 1 Day Energy complements his 1 Life Path, providing him with a powerful double dose of The Leader energy. This combination has enabled Noah to navigate the complex world of music with determination and tenacity.


Chinese Zodiac: Rat

Born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rat, Noah possesses the following traits:

  • Intelligence and Charm: These qualities are evident in Noah's lyrics and his ability to captivate audiences.
  • Adaptability and Sociability: Noah's versatility as an artist allows him to adapt to various musical styles and collaborate effectively with other artists like Julia Michaels.

Western Zodiac: Capricorn

As a Capricorn, Noah exhibits:

  • Discipline and Ambition: These traits have driven him to pursue his musical dreams relentlessly.
  • Practical and Realistic: Noah's approach to his career reflects these qualities, as he continually works on improving his craft and expanding his reach.


Noah Kahan's unique blend of Life Path 1 (The Leader), Day Energy 1 (The Leader), and astrological influences has shaped him into a tenacious and driven folk-pop singer-songwriter. His ability to adapt, grow, and evolve in the music industry demonstrates the power of his leadership energy. As Noah continues to make waves in the world of music, understanding and embracing these energies will help him maintain his success while also fostering personal growth.